POR FSE-2014-20

Axis III - Education and training - ITS (Advanced Technical Insitutes)

Two-year specialist technical courses to promote an effective and efficient collaboration between the education and the economic system

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Region Lombardy’s strategy to promote an effective and efficient collaboration between the education system and the economy includes improving the quality of technical and vocational education and training.

Promoting the acquisition of highly specialised skills is the key to foster rapid engagement in the world of work at a high level, and to reduce skills mismatch in the labour market.

To respond to the challenge of preparing young people for the increasingly dynamic economy, Region Lombardy has invested, with the support of the European Social Fund, on Advanced Technical Institutes (ITS), two-year specialist technical courses which constitute a viable and highly competitive alternative to the traditional University system.

These programmes are defined and implemented by Foundations with the participation of universities, research bodies and enterprises, in accordance with the vocational training system.

This integrated system helps establishing closer links with the world of work, by encouraging further training of professionals in the new technologies in order to become even more attractive to companies investing in the new technologies of Industry 4.0.

Download Presentation of the project “ITS Life sciences”

Data di pubblicazione: 19/09/2023

Data ultima modifica: 19/09/2023